As many of you know it is hard to find Similac coupons, but there is always one source that you can rely on to get savings and coupons for Similac baby formula. To start the month out I always link to this resource, and as the month goes on I will add more Similac coupons that I find in September.
If you are new to Similac then the best way for you to get coupons and certificates is the Similac strong mom’s program. This is a program that is run through Similac and offers great savings for new parents. Basically what they do is send you Similac coupons and certificates in the mail for the first few months to help alleviate the stress and cost of baby formula.
Here are some of the benefits of joining the Strong Mom’s program
- Weekly prenatal emails focusing on Mom’s nutrition and baby’s growth and development
- Access to FeedingExpert: a service available 24/7 providing support on everything from pregnancy nutrition to newborn feeding
- Infant formula samples, and coupons sent to your mail box
You can see that there are many advantages besides the Similac coupons.
I will add new Similac coupons as I find them throughout the month. If you know of any please share them in the comments.
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